Why Tandem?

Tan-dem \’tand-m\ adv. One behind another. n. A set of persons, things, or parts, arranged one behind another, as a team of horses or a bicycle for two riders.

 As a married couple who works together, our relationship is defined by doing life in tandem.  While we are building a business for ourselves, our interest is more for our children and grandchildren.  We believe that by focusing on our family, the best kind of overflow will serve our clients well. Our definition of tandem means together, both as a family unit, and in partnership with our clients.  We want to be there for them over the long haul, progressing through changing your hard-to-reach lightbulbs, hanging that piece of art that has been propped up on the wall, replacing your shower insert with a custom tiled shower, re-designing and installing a whole new kitchen or bathroom or hanging drapery the correct way

 Our baseline of service is three-fold.  We promise to call you back, we promise to be punctual, and we promise to communicate well while tackling the projects on our list.  We consider the questions; How will this affect your daily life? How will this impact guests in your home? How will this interact and compliment future changes in trends and personal tastes? We don’t take the responsibility of carrying out your in-home visions lightly.  Maribeth and I want to see you experience a healthy home life through your spaces and surroundings, in the same way we have over the years.

           Ben & Maribeth Scott